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How President Trump’s Administration Has Helped Black Americans

Abraham Lincoln

President Trump’s Accomplishments and the African American Community?

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Protests across the United States continue to increase over the death of an African American man, George Floyd, and the much deep-rooted issue of racism. President Donald Trump claims he has done more for the black community than any other president with the exception of Lincoln in US history. During a visit to a historically black South Carolina College in October 2019, President Trump pitched his achievements to the African American community stating, “I am talking about Lincoln more and more because the Democratic policies have let African Americans down and taken African American communities for granted. Republicans will never, ever do that.” <!--nextpage--> benefitted

Just last week, President Trump told Fox News anchor, Harris Faulkner, that he has done more good for the black American community than any other president, other than Lincoln. He emphasized that he

<!--nextpage-->black president

A duplication of President Trump's claims was shared in a tweet only a week after the protests surged throughout the country.

President Trump stated “My Admin has done more for the Black Community than any President since Abraham Lincoln. Passed Opportunity Zones with @SenatorTimScott, guaranteed funding for HBCU's, School Choice, passed Criminal Justice Reform, lowest Black unemployment, poverty and crime rates in history… AND THE BEST IS YET TO COME!” <!--nextpage--> Businesspeople

If you notice President Trump’s administrative track records, it is undeniable that he has taken many measures to improve the Republican party’s relationship with the African American community. In about three years, the community has progressed far more than it could imagine, and he has continued to keep his promise to work for Black Americans. Measures that he reemphasized through his speech in South Carolina, his interview with Faulkner, and his tweet during the protests are only some of the vast measures, to name a few, that he has taken for the black community.

It is important to reassess each claim and understand the motive, benefit and overall impact of them on the black community... <!--nextpage-->

Claim No.1: The First Step Act Revitalized the Criminal Justice System

The First Step Act was signed into law towards the end of 2018 under President Trump which gives inmates in prisons a chance to exculpate their crimes through “rehabilitation programs, fair sentencing and smart confinement.” As an onset of such measures, prison inmates would receive credit and an opportunity for early release.

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For several decades, the crime bill authored by the then-Senator Joe Biden resulted in harsh prison sentences for non-violent African Americans. Through the First Step Act, non-violent offenders who were sentenced for a long time now have options of leaving early through the demonstration of good behavior. More importantly, non-violent inmates will also be equipped with professional and social skills through rehabilitation programs to productively utilize their time upon release.<!--nextpage--> Donald Trump

Statistics show that theFirst Step Act has benefited the black community so much that among 1,000 prisoners released under this Act, more than 91% are black. Tanesha Bannister, who was sentenced to 23 years in prison for selling cocaine to make ends meet and support her young children, was released five years earlier than her official date. She is now employed part time as a personal care assistant and spends the rest of the day with her children and grandchildren. <!--nextpage-->

Claim No. 2: Opportunity Zones Have Benefitted Low-Income Communities

Opportunity zones were established to provide tax incentives and advantages for businesses in low-income communities. The primary purpose is to keep capital flowing that would otherwise be held up by asset holders due to excessive taxations. The focus on expanding economic opportunities for minorities is one of President Trump’s major priorities and the initiative is estimated to generate approximately $100 billion of private investments in poor communities

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While the incentive has benefitted some poor communities, the opportunity has been procured by some wealthy investors benefitting from the tax advantages provided through the program.New York Times reporter, David Yaffe-Bellany, stated that the most benefitted group from opportunity zones were wealthy Americans. He wrote, “They are poised to reap billions in untaxed profits on high-end apartment buildings and hotels in trendy neighborhoods, storage facilities that employ only a handful of workers or student housing in bustling college towns.”<!--nextpage-->

Claim No. 3: African American Unemployment Rates Are at a Record Low

Statistics reported by the US Department of Labor in September 2019 revealed the lowest African American unemployment rate in history, reaching as low as 5.5%. Since President Trump’s administration came into power, there have been an estimated 1,017,000 jobs created for the black community.

George Floyd

Evidently, there are now more African Americans employed into the workforce. Before President Trump’s administration, the unemployment rate only reduced to 7%, and that too only lasted about a month. The advent of the novel coronavirus has caused a disproportionate trend in numbers, however the lowest unemployment rate and excessive job opportunities for the African American community are definitely noteworthy. <!--nextpage-->

Claim No. 4: Quality Education and Economic Success

President Trump’s policies have also shown a keen interest in empowering future African American generations. Earlier in 2018, the President approved a $360 million grant to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). By far, this is the highest number approved – even more than America’s black president, Barack Obama.

New York Times

Furthermore, through more executive orders taken on the administrative level, Trump continues to provide advance opportunities in higher education in the African American community. The initiative towards HBCU aims at increasing private sector involvement in strengthening HBCU through institutional planning and development, fiscal responsibilities and financial management. It also aims to integrate modern technologies in infrastructure, partner with elementary and secondary schools to build a secure future pipeline for students, and improve the overall identity, capability and visibility of HBCUs. <!--nextpage-->

The Best Is Yet to Come

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President Trump’s administration has done more for the African American community than one can imagine.

Unfortunately, beneficent policies like these are overshadowed by very biased fake news media that remain fixated on only negative angles. As President Trump continues to work towards the prosperity of African American communities, the 2020 reelection campaign will mark a historic moment that will bring forth all initiatives taken for the black community - and for all Americans of every race, creed and color. Thank you Mr. President!!

For more information, please visit www.YugeTrumpEconomy.com.